Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our Juice Journey---Day 1

About a month ago, Dirk and I stumbled upon a documentary on Netflix called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." The first few minutes of the show I thought Joe was a quack and this was some sort of gimmick. Luckily, I watched the whole thing and it became life changing. I'm not going to go in to detail of what's in the documentary because you need to see it for yourself and my explanation cannot do it justice. But, I will say that I agreed with the foundation of this documentary---that we all need more micronutrient-rich food. If you are interested in more information, checked out Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead as well as Join the Reboot. It's awesome stuff.

So here we are now on our juicing journey. We started day 1 yesterday. Here's a recap:

My Initial weigh in: 211lbs (yikes!), BP 121/92
Dirk's initial weigh in 230lbs, BP 120/84

I will post our "before" pics when I get them uploaded.

Day 1

Day 1 was challenging for me. I didn't feel hungry, but I was craving EVERYTHING! (It made me realize that I eat to eat, not eat because I'm hungry.) I couldn't watch TV because I swear every commercial had to do with food. I was kind of tired and a little grumpy, but I think that had more to do with knowing I *couldn't* eat solid foods, so of course, that's all I could think about. I know that I am addicted to sweet and naughty foods, so I'm excited for this journey to end my addiction. Don't get me wrong, I hope to enjoy a sweet every now and again, but I feel like a slave to sweets. I'm going to do my best for the next 15 days and who knows, maybe I'll do another 15 days. :)

For breakfast and mid-breakfast we had "Mean Green" followed by our varied version of "Mexican-style Jugo" for dinner. By the evening, I had had enough of green juice and ended up having herbal tea before bed. Day 1 wasn't as easy as I anticipated, but it wasn't as bad either.

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